Thursday, May 21, 2020

Losing Sleep.. A Quest To Understand Life

After my last few experiences I have come to believe that our dreams are our guides or mentors from another dimension. It is a gift from the cosmos that we often end up neglecting.

In discussions and talks with near and dear ones I was alwayd pointed out to be rigid in accepting that things change.

Nothing could prepare me for what was to come.

For the past quite a few months I didn't get a dream which could be trying to mentor me. I would often wonder had I lost the gift.

So the night before I went to bed thinking about the present, past, and the yet to come future.

I am in Agra at my Nani’s (maternal grandmother) house yet again. I am standing near her room. Suddenly I realize the house is on fire. 

Everything around is burning... Yet it is so calm..

Confused I ask Veena ( my wife) "Where is Aavanya (our daughter)". "She's gone upstairs to play with her cousin," she says, "why don't you quickly go get them down"

I rush upstairs. Aavanya is playing calmly with her toys when I ask her where is your brother... " He went with his mom... Papa " replying as a matter of fact with all the seriousness of a 5-year-old.

Everything around is burning... Yet it is so calm..

I pick her up and rush down. "Both of you get out of the house and be safe" I tell my wife. "I will go gather our belongings" .. I see her rushing outside the house. 

She is now in a safe place. I can't see her but something inside tells me she is fine. 

I am still trapped inside the house.

Everything around is burning... Yet it is so calm..

All alone in the house I rush to pack our belongings and now the fire begins to slowly circle around me.

Its intensity is increasing and now all around me is the fire

Everything around is burning... Yet it is so calm..

I am engulfed in the flames... I get up from my sleep

I am still very calm… Though still not clear what the dream was trying to tell me... 

A bit disheveled I start searching for answers and find out my answers in a web site that tells me "..a symbol for those who are still stuck in past.. ultimately the habit which is not harmful to occasionally engage in.. But too much of remaining in past .. could not only destroy the present .. but spoil the future... as well. "

A symbol of which was me engulfed in flames

I have got my answer... But I am not satisfied.

To those of you reading this... What's your take on this... If the past is beautiful what's wrong in cherishing the memory and wanting it to be a part of it forever. Does it really destroy our present and future? 

Do we learn something from here... Or wait and find out with time...?


  1. Reminiscing the past is good... But STAYING in past is NEVER!

    We should always remember the past for the valuable memories and lessons it taught us. But staying there is always bad. If the past stops you from moving ahead, then it probably hasn't taught you Anything!!

    Philosophy aside, your dream was very insightful to say the least. It tells you that the present is not as bad (because everything is still calm!)

    But the Future may not probably be as calm, which is why you are worried (and wondering why you are still calm!!) ��

    So I would say, take this as a good pointer and move forward!

    PS: I really like your style of writing. It's almost as I was present in that dream!!

  2. The dream u mention abt fire and not a gr8 sign according means u r emotionally streched and u r afraid of something in ur life is breaking down. First u need to sort this thing with urself and ur family member...home represent family fire burning means stress and afraid to lose one life.

    Ur point on past destroy present...its the way u look...past is to learn n enjoy n cheerish but not have efdect on present..u learn from past and make better present...we can be happy all time in past bcoz present is where we are...we time bound people n need to stay in present. So njoy life in present stay focus for future..n learn from past...

    I just remember a dialogue from rang de basanti..humpog past n future paar rakta hai and present par ...

  3. Having memories of the past, specially of the ones gone forever who were very close to our heart, is totally fine; as long as it doesn't destroy your inner peace.

    I think it's great to keep them infact, safe and cherished forever in our memories, but at the same time it has not not interfere with our present or future.

    We have to just find a happy and peaceful balance to maintain that which can keep us emotionally stable.

  4. I read somewhere that the past is just a memory. It could be good or bad memories. Now like you said, there are so many good memories that we can learn from..sure..learn..but importantly.. learn and implement now. You stay in the's possible you neglect the present..You could become obsolete. Move On. Concentrate on the present. Give it your 100%. Not with a view for the future..because that is something again in your imagination. Just concentrate on now. What's important to you Now?
    Fitness?, Learning something new?..concentrate on that and that alone..make what's important to you part of your routine..your discipline..
    Don't worry about the future. Live in the Now..


  5. In my view, interpretation of everything (including dreams) is just a refection of your inner state of mind.

    Infact dreams, according to my experience, is nothing but our very deep desire or fear. Dreams is a way of our mind constantly reminding us of it even when we are asleep.

    For some fire is destructive while for some fire is purifying! Fire represents hunger also and hence in our ancient times, the want for food was represented by fire.

    If I am to interpret your dream, from where I stand in my life right now, it sounds like your house is engulfed in a purifying calm fire. Hence your daughter didnot panic. But you were unnecessarily panicking. Had it been scorching hot a kid would be disturbed beyond measures. I would place a lot of weight to a children’s view as it comes from real fact and not bias or judgement or fear.

    Secondly, i do not see the dream being a state of past. Your daughter is her age!

    Fire could be some state you are going through right now in your life which you fear might destroy your house/family and you are trying to protect your family from. But your family is safe for it is just your fear and not reality.

    Also it is my view that one should always try to interpret ones own dream. No second individual would know where you stand in your life at that point. Most facts are hidden from others.
